The Berlin Realbook is an anthology of lead sheets of music composed by Berlin based Jazz musicians.

In Berlin live and perform many Jazz musicians. Many of these talented artists compose their own music. The Berlin Realbook is a collection of original lead sheets of music composed by Berlin based Jazz musicians in order to spread it worldwide and exchange it with other musicians.

We are Jazz musicians and live in Berlin. We think that it would be a waste if each one of us knows and plays only his own music. Some of the compositions made in Berlin are able to become worldwide standards. With your participation we can make it possible. If our music is performed and recorded by different musicians everywhere we could earn more money through copyright licenses.

If you are a Berlin based Jazz musician and want to share your compositions on the Berlin Realbook contact us and upload your lead sheets as pdf, a short text about you with, if possible, with links to audio or video samples a photo of you and a signed document the allows us to put your music online.

This service on the Berlin Realbook is full free of charges!

Please: when you use material of other musicians don’t forget to write it on the copyright list!

How does it work:

Please prepare your sheet: Good readable. The best is written with a notation program like Finale, Sibelius etc.. Please send the lead sheets as pdf!
Insert your copyright infos such like GEMA-Number and ISWC if you have it. This is important for you if anybody plays your music and compiles the copyright repertoire after the concert or recording.
Send me a photo with the indication of the owner of his copyrights and a short info text to build up your own site.

If you send me short (max 1 min.) audio samples (mp3) of your music or links to your records, they can be integrated in your profile. So who reads your sheets can also have a quick idea of the sound.

Compile and send me the permission of publishing signed.

For all your questions please feel free to contact us!

Last, but not least! Please, it’d be nice if you put a link to your site at on your personal website! Thanks a lot.